
Back on my feet

After three days stuck on the hover bike, minus a very short period where I was allowed to walk while we went shopping for a photo studio for the Raven Park Mansion, I'm now off it again and back on my feet.

It was brought to my attention yesterday that the dance system at Raven Park wasn't working so Miss Vila and I set about working out what the problem was (that might be a blog entry in its own right as it was a fun gotcha). To do this she needed me in a state where I was able to dance. Of course, all she did was unlock the bike and let me off it, none of the other items locked on me were removed.

So we got the dance system working and tested it.

Afterwards, we were chatting for a bit, and I waited, expecting the bike to be put back on me, but it didn't happen. It was starting to look good for me having a little more freedom again. It was then that she announced that there's something she really likes about the gas mask.

Apparently, when she was young, she had toy Wombles which she adored. And now it turns out that she's rather taken with her dark take on that. It seems, for now at least, she's decided that I'm her new toy Womble. Albeit a latex Womble.

Then, as she left, just when I thought I'd got away with being free to move around the region without too much effort (I was still denied all forms of TP at this point, and I still right now), she quickly snapped my ankle cuffs together in a tight hobble and said goodnight.

So, as of now, I'm still locked in the hood, with garbled speech. I'm hobbled and can only move slowly. I'm denied all forms of TP (so I'm still restricted to Raven Park and sittp is denied so I can only get on transport pads if I get very close to them), and I'm now denied fly. I'm pretty much back where I was in November.

I can see I'll have some serious begging to do if I'm going to stand a chance of getting out to shop for this weekend's Sixty Linden Weekend. And given what happens when I do beg, I'm wondering if it'll end up costing me even more.

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