
Velvet Thorn Goth dance

Because of our timezone differences, and because the times that many events in SL happen at, Mistress and I don't get to attend that many dances and the like. Normally all we tend to manage is the fortnightly Raven Park dances (obviously). But when we realised that Miss Eve was DJing a Goth-themed dance at VT yesterday we just had to arrange things so we could both make it.

I mean, really, it was an excuse for Mistress to go shopping for a new dress! ;)

And make it we did. I took a few photos during the dance, which you can see over on imgur. Here's a handful of Mistress and me having some fun:

It was a lovely couple of hours and was really nice to have some time to get out and about. Sadly, however, this seems to have jinxed it for the following night. RL is now going to claim Mistress so I'll be without her for today's Raven Park dance. Although RL claimed her for part of one dance, and a machine crash took a large chunk out of another, this will be the first one ever where I'll be there without her.

It'll feel very strange.

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